Hot, Or Cold? Bible Reflection
What The Bible Says:
Revelation 3:15- “I know your works, that your are neither cold nor hot. I could wish that you were cold or hot.
16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.”
Who likes Hot Coffee?
Most People Drink Coffee For Two Reasons:
It Tastes Great!
It Keeps Them Awake/Attentive
Coffee is usually served either hot or cold. That being said, coffee is more well-known for being a hot drink. I personally prefer hot coffee, but I also like to drink iced-coffee from time to time.
The thing about coffee is that people mostly enjoy and recognize it for its flavor and temperature. When I drink my coffee hot, and it becomes room temperature, I heat it right back up! Why? Because, I simply do not like the taste of lukewarm coffee. If I did not want my coffee to be hot, I would prepare it as iced.
Hot coffee makes me feel warm, cozy, and comforted. Cold coffee makes me feel refreshed and my thirst feels quenched. The temperature is what accentuates the flavor of the beverage itself. A food or beverage that is consumed at the wrong temperature will leave the consumer feeling unsatisfied, or even sick.
There Are Three Main Groups:
This is where you want to be! Someone who has a “hot” temperature has a close relationship with God. This temperature must be maintained, even in the midst of the cold wind.
We can look at this two ways:
1. Someone who is “cold” has lost all of their warmth, making their situation worrisome. They may feel in their heart that they may need to regain the heat they once had, similar to “a hot brewed coffee that turned cold”.
2. Someone who gives cold coffee fulfills a purpose different from one who gives hot coffee. Like I said earlier, iced coffee refreshes me when I am thirsty!
(For the purpose of this study, we will mainly use reason #1)